Collection: Bovine collagen powder

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3 products

Benefit depending on which collagen powder you choose

Bovine Collagen Pro Edition (60 days)
Marine Collagen Pro Edition (60 days)
Bovine Collagen+ (60 days)
Marine Collagen+ (60 days)
Verisol Collagen Pro Edition (45 days)

*C-vitamin bidrar til normal dannelse av kollagen, som er viktig for hud, bein og brusk, reduserer tretthet og utmattelse og bidrar til normal funksjon av immunsystemet / Biotin bidrar til å opprettholde normal hud og hår / Vitamin D bidrar til å opprettholde en normal muskelfunksjon og normale bein samt normal funksjon av immunsystemet / Vitamin K bidrar til normale bein.

What causes wrinkles?

What results can you expect with collagen?

Kollagen. hudens struktur endrer seg i takt med at i eldes
Why does skin get wrinkles as we age?

Collagen is a natural protein that makes up almost 80% of the skin's connective tissue. From the age of 25, the body's ability to produce collagen decreases and the natural production of collagen falls by 1–2% per year.

This is the reason why the skin becomes looser, thinner, drier and thus more wrinkled.

Collagen enriched with active ingredients

Supplementing collagen with vitamin C helps rebuild the skin's levels of this essential protein while stimulating the body's natural production of collagen.

If you choose our Marine Collagen Pro Edition or Bovine Collagen Pro Edition , you get a collagen powder with added hyaluronic acid. In addition, the products are enriched with C+D3+K2 and Biotin, which supports hair, bones, muscles and joints.

Reduced wrinkles, more firmness and elasticity

Regular intake of collagen improves skin firmness and elasticity, reduces wrinkles and promotes skin moisture levels. After just 8-12 weeks of intake, collagen contributes to an overall improvement in the appearance of the skin.

If you choose Marine or Bovine Collagen Pro Edition , you get a product that is enriched with vitamins that help maintain normal hair, bones, muscles and immune system.

Frequently asked questions about collagen

What is the difference between marine and bovine collagen?

When do you start seeing results with collagen supplements?

What is the difference between Bovine & Marine Collagen+ and Bovine & Marine Collagen Pro Edition?

What are collagen and hyaluronic acid, and why do they work?

Which collagen product should I choose if I want support for hair, bones and muscles?

Which one should I choose if I want a completely taste-neutral powder?

When should I start taking collagen powder?

How should I take collagen powder?

Can collagen help improve hair, bones, and muscles?

Are there any side effects of taking collagen?

What is the difference between marine and bovine collagen?

When do you start seeing results with collagen supplements?

What is the difference between Bovine & Marine Collagen+ and Bovine & Marine Collagen Pro Edition?

What are collagen and hyaluronic acid, and why do they work?

Which collagen product should I choose if I want support for hair, bones and muscles?

Which one should I choose if I want a completely taste-neutral powder?

When should I start taking collagen powder?

How should I take collagen powder?

Can collagen help improve hair, bones, and muscles?

Are there any side effects of taking collagen?

*C-vitamin bidrar til normal dannelse av kollagen, som er viktig for hud, bein og brusk, reduserer tretthet og utmattelse og bidrar til normal funksjon av immunsystemet / Biotin bidrar til å opprettholde normal hud og hår / Vitamin D bidrar til å opprettholde en normal muskelfunksjon og normale bein samt normal funksjon av immunsystemet.